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Barcode Scanner (Windows WiFi- C007)
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RTN Annual Technical Support

Terms & Conditions

Lottery Artificial Intelligence (LAI )
  1. Your Purchase of LAI gives you exclusive, secure access to the Software on all the three platforms (Windows, Android & iOS) inclusive of the applicable one- time installation charge.
  2. With the Purchase of LAI Software, RTN offers service and installation support for a period of 30 calendar days from installation.
  3. RTN offers an option of purchase of its Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan along with LAI I that offers online tech support, complete free access to LAI add-on features and new updates. (Refer RTN’s Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan **).
  4. LAI Add-on features are functional with Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan only.
  5. If LAI is installed at your premises for a period of more than 30 calendar days, no refund would be applicable towards Purchase of the Software and the Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan.
RTN’s Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan
  1. With RTN’s Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan, we would be providing online service and support coverage across the globe for a term of One Year.
  2. At the end of the tenure the Annual Technical Support Plan will have to be renewed for a period of One year .
  3. With RTN’s Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan, you are eligible to receive:
    • Compatible RTN Bluetooth-enabled Device Scanner at a Special Rate.
    • Technical and Maintenance Support on Web and Phone. (We use Teamviewer Commercial to extend Online Support.)
    • Complete free access to all the features of LAI with special add-on features, new software updates and data management services available free of charge till the expiry of technical support plans.
    • Technical Field Support at your Business Premises at special charges.
  4. If purchased along with :
    • LAI:Free updates receivedwill be a part of your software for lifetime but no support or use of further updates will be extended at the end of the plan.
    • LAI II: All the features in LAI II will cease to function at the end of the tenure of purchase plan unless software and technical support plan is renewed.
  5. RTN’s Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan is available at all key geographical locations in US. In the event of a specific location being not serviced by RTN, you will be levied full charge for purchase or replacement of compatible RTN Bluetooth-enabled scanner with no service support extended.
  6. If LAI is installed at your premises for a period of more than 30 calendar days, no refund would be applicable towards Purchase of the Software and the Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan.
Lottery Artificial Intelligence II (LAI II)
  1. Your Purchase or Upgrade of LAI II gives you exclusive, secure access to the Software on all the three platforms (Windows, Android & iOS).
  2. LAI II is only functional with the purchase of RTN’s Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan.
  3. With the Purchase of LAI II Software, RTN offers service and installation support for a period of 30 calendar days from installation.
  4. The RTN’s Annual Technical Support Plan is available at a charge of $99.99 for a year. The services include online service and support coverage across the globe, warranty on the RTN provided RTN Blue-tooth enabled scanner and complete access to the latest software updates and data management services.
  5. At the end of the year, the Software and the Annual Support will have to be renewed by paying a renewal charge of $99.99 for a period of another one year.
  6. RTN’s Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan is available at all key geographical locations in US. In the event of a specific location being not serviced by RTN, you will not be eligible for warranty extended on the RTN provided blue-tooth enabled scanner and new updates and data management services.
  7. If LAI II is installed at your premises for a period of more than 30 calendar days, no refund would be applicable towards Purchase of the Software and the Comprehensive Annual Technical Support Plan.
  1. Applicable One-time Installation and upgrade charges for the product are non refundable.
  2. RTN reserved the right to alter the price of its software, services renewal and support products without prior notice.


RealTime Networking

844 W Montgomery St Milledgeville

Georgia 31061



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