Artificial Intelligence
The independent retailer faces many challenging issues every day,and few are more important than making sure there are products on the shelf to sell.RTN equipped with Artificial intelligence technology-based services can help you steamline your operation.But not just any product will do.You need to ensure you have the right mixture of new industry items, as well as established items that customers specifically come in to your store expecting to see.The RTN software is less predictable than other software where it know exactly who their repeat customers and who is going to walk in to their stores on any given day.In LAI app ,the AI notifies best selling tickets in the store and fast moving tickets in the respective state where the app is currectly working.Technology solutions that do this type of forcasting can be very expensive to purchase and usually come only as part of a complete Back Office System.It works very similarly to many back office systems by forecasting what needs to be purchased by the retailer based on key data elements.